RFP Evaluating Criteria

When it comes soliciting bids/proposals for goods or services, one of Procurement’s roles in the process is to assist in finding the best vendor/provider while remaining fair and compliant with GW’s policies and Sponsor rules and regulations. One way we best accomplish this is by gathering details of what method and criteria will be used for evaluating responses/proposals to include factors and weighting information.

Developing a good set of evaluation criteria is key in the solicitation process and should be an extension of the requestor/end-user’s objectives and align directly with expected results. A well-defined set of evaluation criteria helps us to better determine which vendors can successfully accomplish the work if selected.

Before Procurement can release an RFP to potential bidders, we need criteria and relative importance/priority that is indicated through weighting. In other words, if the technical experience of a potential provider is one of the most important factors in making an award, then it should carry a higher weight in comparison to the other criteria. Perhaps price/cost is the most important factor, then that criteria will need a greater weight than the others. Weighting the criteria for evaluation allows everyone to know what is important to GW, and allows the suppliers responding to the RFP to tailor their proposal to meet our needs.

Some examples of evaluation criteria include: Organization qualifications and experience, Approach/Philosophy, Location of Office where work will be performed, Qualifications of Staff, References/Depth of Client Base and Pricing, etc.

Example of RFP weighted criteria matrix:

Criteria should be presented to assure that they are properly weighted in accordance with the importance of each criterion and tied to the outcome objectives.

  Criteria Weights
1 Organization qualifications and experience 30%
2 Approach/Philosophy 15%
3 Qualifications of Staff 20%
4 References/Depth of Client Base 20%
5 Pricing 20%
  Total 100%


Note: *Evaluating Committee formation is required on all formal bids solicitation. A minimum of 3 people or more (in odd numbers) is required and need to be established before the RFP is released - See Procurement Dollar Threshold Matrix for thresholds and the Procurement Manual for more information on Evaluation Committee Formation and Procedures.