Procure-to-Pay Resources


The resources below provide guidance for specific transactions and activities that you may undertake on behalf of the MFA.

Launch a Browser Session

Keep in mind that whenever you are using your MFA computer, your browser stores your MFA Microsoft credentials. So when you try to connect with GWU, the browser thinks you are trying to connect with your MFA account. To prevent this from happening you must open a NEW IN PRIVATE WINDOW (with Edge), or a NEW INCOGNITO WINDOW (with Chrome.)

How to Forward Gmail to Another Account

The guide will provide instructions for automatically forwarding emails that arrive in your GWMail inbox and send them to another account of your choosing. This is useful, for example, in cases where a person is both a Student and Employee and wishes to only manage one GWmail Inbox, instead of each individually.

Forms, Guidelines, & Tax Documents

MFA P2P Steps to Access iBuy+ Concur

Connecting to EAS  

P2P Who to Call

Introduction to MFA Procure-to-Pay Training

Welcome to the Gatekeeper Contract Management System

Tax Exemption Documents
Concur-Related Forms

The following forms are now setup in the Concur product called "Request". The iBuy+ website contains complete details.

  • Animal Procurement
  • Gift Card Request
  • PCard Application
  • Materials Management Stores Order
  • Non-Standard Access in Concur
    Note: Use solely for additional access within Concur.  Not for initial access to Concur.
  • Use the Stop Payment and Electronic Payment Recall Request to request a stop payment on a paper check or to recall an electronic payment.
Doing Business with the MFA including Supplier Documentation
MFA to GWU Mapping - Cost Center and Account

The MFA Cost Center and Account to EAS Mapping workbook provides a mapping from MFA cost centers and account numbers to the values to be entered into the EAS P2P system.

  • The 6-digit Oracle cost center determines which budget will be charged for a particular transaction. It is used in lieu of Project/Task/Award for Sponsored Research purchases. Note that there is a unique alias for every PTA. Alias is not the same as Org or Organization Code.
  • A valid 5-digit Oracle General Ledger account must be assigned to every purchasing transaction. An account is a financial code assigned to identify the type of goods or services that have been purchased.


Payables Overview, Guidelines, & Forms

Please review the Payables Overview and the additional guidelines provided for helpful information in regards to what MFA Payables needs from the departments for quick, effective processing. The Quick Reference Guide for the iBuy+ Invoice system (also known as Concur Invoice) automates invoice processing. This user-friendly system helps simplify and streamlines the processes for invoice submissions, approvals, payment status determination, and reporting. A Concur Invoice Training Session Recording is available as a resource.


  • Departmental Correction Forms are internal forms required to make corrections to grants-related only invoices and payments previously recorded. These forms are used to correct the expense account or department originally charged with the expenditure. 
  • The Electronic Funds Disbursement Request Form is used to wire funds to suppliers being paid in foreign currency or, as an exception with a valid business justification, wire funds to domestic suppliers. There are instructions for how to complete the Electronic Funds Disbursement Request Form. Please note: the fields of Region and Type of Activity are required for international payments. In addition, a bank source document is required with supporting documentation. A bank source document is a document that supports the bank information provided on the request. Examples are: a letter from the supplier's bank with the account information, or an invoice with the account information, or a letter from the supplier with the bank account information. Note: For international wires with US corresponding bank, the source document should include the US corresponding bank account information in order for the payment to be accurately routed.
  • The Honorarium Recipient Form is used to register and pay honorarium Recipients. An honorarium is a one-time nominal payment made to an individual (not a corporation, business or partnership) who is not an employee, student employee, or a student of the MFA, for a special and non-recurring activity or event with a short duration for which a fee is not legally or customarily required and which fixed business price has not been set. Refer to the guidance document for more information on using an honorarium. Detailed guidance for honorariums is available. Please note:  Whether you are submitting a new or existing supplier for an honorarium, if sponsored projects needs to approve that should be done prior to sending the form to MFA Payables.
  • The Recurring Payment Form is to provide the information required to create a recurring payment in EAS to a commercial supplier who is a contracted partner with the MFA. Payment must be the same recurring amount through the fiscal year. Recurring payments have a duration of one fiscal year. Therefore, multiple year recurring payments will require the completion of this form three weeks prior to the beginning of the next fiscal year. Each form should be accompanied by the contract or other viable documentation to clearly identify the commercial supplier and payment information. Send the completed and approved form to MFA Payables at P2P [at] (P2P[at]mfa[dot]gwu[dot]edu).
    • The benefits of establishing a recurring payment for a commercial supplier include:
      • Annual setup if the contract is multi-year.  No invoices are required.
      • Payments will be disbursed on the payment interval specified on the form: bi-weekly, monthly, or quarterly.  No more late payments.


Concur Invoice Training Video

  • MFA Payables uses these payment methods, listed in order of preference, to remit payment to the its suppliers. Payments are issued on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
  • Payables Frequently Asked Questions provide on information on expense reimbursements and stop payments as well as general payment information. Specific information on Payment Terms and Fraudulent Check Inquiries is also available.
  • Paying a Bill provides guidance for specific transactions and activities that you may undertake on behalf of the MFA.
PCard Guidelines & Forms
Procurement Guidelines & Forms



Travel and Expense Forms & Guidelines

All MFA employees submit requests for Travel Advances and/or Reimbursements through the iBuy+ Expense Reporting system. Student use is limited to reimbursements.

Enterprise-Wide Agreements (Central Cell Phone, FedEx, UPS, Water Service)